

                                                                                           LIFE ,  a never ending process of miraculous transformations and reborn of ourselves after every new era of change or  abolishment of  some cycles. Each  of this era is of great importance, leading us to  transform into someone we were not like  before, nor aware of, someone  different or someone we might not even knew we could be and in this whole process all  mysteries  related to us unwinds in front  of us crystal clear. In  the past few years I was in the same midst of unknown battles which at that time seemed extreme but now I'm thankful to God for everything and a lot more happy right now after I  became aware how blissful  and blessed I am and was, right after my transformations. We are statues of imperfection, which is   beautiful  because all of them shows we're alive human being and a better one when we start accepting that others have those imperfections too. Change  is inevit

Balance Is The Key

       In our entire life we are forever after something worth whether it’s related to career or goals or being   with a right person in our lives   and so on ,although it’s the right desire but sometimes we are so overwhelmed by all of our desires of being at a very good place we have lost ourselves and our happiness between them somewhere. For the sake of little bit clear, let’s take an example of our careers, we are always being told to achieve our goals doesn’t matter what e.g as a CA student I have come across other students saying this one thing “Time nahi he,study karna he,kuch banna he,family k liye bhi time nahi he or bahir nahi jasaktay friends k sath,occasions miss karne hain and all that” I know it’s quite tough field which needs a lot of focus and HARDWORK…which is the right thing to do as well but Is it right to forget yourselves and your happiness in this struggle? For me prioritizing your goals is not a bad thing to do but have you ever wondered how it’s like to g

A New Beginning

        "I wanted to change everything but on way through those labyrinths got myself together"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I have had this in my mind that I wont be able to start again,but some of my experiences has dragged me to the point where it felt nothing more than an illusion of being stuck in the mind's limit since every hurdle kept me from flowing into the direction where I must truly be.I'm proceeding to an unknown destination where I have no idea where it would lead me to  but I believe it would be better than the past labyrinths though.Its been ages of not to leash myself of being into the place of the thrones,Its been long of being stuck into the cage of this mind but not anymore.Istarted from a mess & only few were there who helped me through, my

The Part Of Me

"In this world full of Chaos,it is a beauty of the sight which pierces the cloudy veils.In a space full of darkness,there is always a crack of light luminescent.In the islands of hate,still the love of water surrounding it is forever unfathomable." The Part Of Me  It was darkest night of my life where i could listen the howl of loner wolves in my head;sat numbly wrapped in my furry blanket near a burning fire dizzy in its creaking sound & brightest flames.In a heavy breadth inhaled all calmness alternating the exhale of heaviness inside & drowned in the waves of my own mind.There was a track deep down inside me,took me to the caves of my heart & then let me show the sky of my mind;in that whole journey there was some kind of relative violence which was echoing to remind me of the happenings which happened to me,words which were said to me,what i heard,what they think & who I am,to whom I love & who loved me & loves me still,To whom I hate &

Seek Of Light

                                                                                                                                                                                                              TRUST THE PROCESS & BE THE LIGHT OF DIVINE Thousands of years spent by million of spirits occupying this span & space seeking the reason of their existence & purpose of this unknown given life,trying hard to find the reasons of what is actually happening to us,where the fact of trust lies,where we need to exist but mysteries remain folded doesn't matter how hard we had tried,how hard we had struggled for knowing the reasons of unknown hidden stories.We see,listen & understand the oafish truths but prefer it to keep a chase of illusions which is our biggest mistake.It is not important to be aware of & having all those stuffs which we like & having all answers of entangled queries,it is not.LIFE is not about getting but letting the belongings to com


NOSTALGIC RAIN A perfect sunrise & pitter-patter on tracks.A soft touch of unknown silences & intense darkness of labyrinths,fragrance of black roses and a foggy air fusing with our skin,teaches us to be the part of  those things which might be unusual and weird for others but an unprecedented chaos for some because we know somewhere how a thing can be more than a thing,in many hidden ways revealed itself less but influencing more just to stir everyone's mind and left them with different repercussions.It might be all in our heads, many faces & giggles of loved ones;or a Deja vu  of everything which could make us feel infinite all at once.But how much it is real.Still it feels like every person,every moment  & memories are tucked in the net & fabricated by nostalgia.We grew in the age of transition & have become the generation of nostalgia.An old mind,an old heart and an old soul transformation who knows, everything else is  rippling in the


"THE WORLD WE OBSERVE DEPENDS ON THE VISIONS WE CREATE & HOW WE WANT OUR REVERIE TO DIVERT & AT WHICH ANGLES BECAUSE OUR NOTIONS ARE ELOQUENT." OUR NOTIONS ARE ELOQUENT Its how we wander about different realities,somewhere our own selves & everything that is happening around us.Many things and people that are the part of our stories' script can teach us biggest lessons.Our hobbies,likenesses or dis-likenesses,way of thinking and how we take things in our perspectives,visions,our style of speaking,words,the way we treat others,everything has some meaning and how all they came into existence is a matter of debate & how this all is in this way & why? the biggest query .While sitting on some comfortable sofa,reading a perfect knowledgeable book and a coffee cup having taste which might be unforgettable or standing near a window looking outside seeing splashing rain or somewhere appreciating nature thinking about how much little deeds an